Defining a Blueprint

Defining blueprint can be done either via callback to EntityFactory.register() or as a separate Blueprint class.

class UserBlueprint extends ObjectBlueprint {
    constructor() {

        // set type used to identify the blueprint

        // set the options for the blueprint
            generateId: true,

        // define the default factory method for this blueprint
        this.define(async ({ faker, factory }) => {
            return {
                /* user properties */

        // create a state transform for this blueprint to override or supplement
        // properties created in define()
        this.state('active', async ({ faker, factory }) => {
            return {
                /* user properties */

        // Called after making an entity
        this.afterMakinge(async (user, { factory, adapter, faker }) => {
            /* manipulate user */

        // called after making an entity with a given state
            async (user, { factory, adapter, faker }) => {
                /* manipulate user */

        // called after creating and entity
        this.afterCreating(async (user, { factory, adapter, faker }) => {
            /* manipulate user */

        // called after creating an entity with a given state
            async (user, { factory, adapter, faker }) => {
                /* manipulte user */

Class based definition

Class based blueprint must extend a blueprint class. Each adapter has it's own blueprint class which provides different available options specific to the adapter. By default the Object adapter can be used with Entity Factory. For more information on the options available please refer to the docs for each adapter blueprint.

// class based Blueprint definition
export class UserBlueprint extends ObjectBlueprint {
    constructor() {


        this.define(async ({ faker, factory }) => {
            return {
                // user attributes

// class based blueprints are passed to entity factory via the constructor
const factory = new EntityFactory({
    blueprints: [UserBlueprint],

Callback based definition

Registering a blueprint via a callback is an alternative to using a blueprint class. It does however have it's drawbacks. Using this method will always return a basic Blueprint class that is not specific to the adapter being used. As a result any additional functionality provided by the adapters blueprint will not be available with this method.

const factory = new EntityFactory();

factory.register(bp => {

    bp.define(async ({ faker, factory }) => {
        return {
            // user attributes

Blueprint Methods

type(string | class) *Required

Type is used as an identifier within entity factory and can be either a string or a class reference that is passed. An important thing to note is that the value passed to type() will effect the value returned. Types passed as string will be created as plain javascript objects. If however a class reference is provided then Entity factory will attempt to return an instantiated instance of that class.

This method must be called

class User {}

// or


Each adapter blueprint can specify different available options. The options are passed to the adapter at runtime. For adapter blueprint specific options please refer to their documentation:

    idAttribute: '_id',

define(callback(faker)) *Required

Used to create the primary factory method for an entity. The callback method receives a single argument which is a faker instance.

Property values can also an async callback to the factory which will allow data to be resolved from related factories.

This method must be called callback

  • context:

    • faker: faker instance

    • factory: factory instance

blueprint.define(async ({ faker, factory }) => {
    return {
        // faker usage
        username: faker.internet.userName(),

        // fixed values
        active: true,

        // async facory callback
        posts: async factory => await factory.for('post').create(2),

state(string, callback(faker))

Used to override portions of the primary factory method and/or to add additional properties.

Property values can also an async callback to the factory which will allow data to be resolved from related factories.


  • context:

    • faker: faker instance

    • factory: factory instance

blueprint.state('inactive', async ({ faker, factory }) => {
    return {
        active: false,

blueprint.state('with-posts', async ({ faker, factory }) => {
    return {
        // factory callbacks can contain nested factory calls to resolve other
        // blueprint instances  from the factory.
        posts: await factory.for('posts').make(2),

After callbacks

  • afterMaking(callback(currentEntity, context))

  • afterMakingState(string, callback(currentEntity, context))

Fired after a call to make() on the builder instance. The entity received will have been resolved to it's base type but not persisted. The callback will receive the current entity as well as a context object.


  • currentEntity: resolved entity, plain object or class

  • context:

    • faker: faker instance

    • factory: factory instance

    • adapter: adapter instance (default ObjectAdapter)

// called after calling builder.make()
blueprint.afterMaking(async (user, { faker, factory, adapter }) => {
    // manipulate entity

// fired after calling builder.make() with an 'active' state transform
    async (user, { faker, factory, adapter }) => {
        // manipulate entity

After callbacks

  • afterCreating(callback(currentEntity, context))

  • afterCreatingState(string, callback(currentEntity, context))

Fired after a call to create() on the builder instance. The entity received will have been resolved and persisted. The callback will receive the current entity as well as a context object.


  • currentEntity: resolved entity, plain object or class

  • context:

    • faker: faker instance

    • factory: factory instance

    • adapter: adapter instance (default ObjectAdapter)

// called after calling builder.create()
blueprint.afterCreating(async (user, { faker, factory, adapter }) => {
    // manipulate entity

// fired after calling builder.create() with an 'active' state transform
    async (user, { faker, factory, adapter }) => {
        // manipulate entity

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