Object Adapter

The ObjectAdapter is used for creating mock data as plain javascript objects. It will generate sequential id's for objects to simulate data coming from a database.


const objectAdapter = new ObjectAdapter();

// or

const objectAdapter = new ObjectAdaper({
    generateId: true,
    defaultIdAttribute: 'id',
    uuidPrimary: false,

const factory = new EntityFactory({
    adapter: objectAdapter,
  • opts: optional

    • generateId: default true, used to enable or disable id generation

      by default. This can be overriden at the blueprint level.

    • defaultIdAttribute: default id, sets the default name of the id

      attribute that entity factory will generate if generateId is true.

    • uuidPrimary: default false, will generate a v4 UUID as the id

      when set to true intead of an incrementing id.

Object Blueprint

Available Options

  • generateId: overrides the default adapter setting for a particular entity.

  • idAttribute: overrides the adapter setting to change the genrated id

    attribute name.

  • uuidPrimary: overrides the adapter setting to use uuid's vs incrementing

    numeric ids.

export class WidgetBlueprint extends ObjectBlueprint {
    constructor() {


            generateId: true,
            idAttribute: '_id',
            uuidPrimary: true,

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